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Setting Up Your Dev Environment with Docker

Setting Up Your Dev Environment with Docker

Docker is an invaluable tool for developers. It allows you to create lightweight, portable development environments called containers that match your production setup. With Docker, you can quickly spin up a dev environment with the tools, dependencies, and configurations you need to build your application. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll go through all the steps to set up a Dockerized development environment for a Node.js app.

Why Docker?

Before we dive in, let’s look at some of the key benefits of using Docker for your dev environment:

  • Isolated dependency management - Dependencies are installed and managed within the Docker container, separate from your local machine. This prevents version conflicts and “dependency hell”.
  • Environment consistency - You can reproduce the same environment across different machines, enabling a consistent dev experience for your team.
  • Built-in environment variables - Docker containers allow you to inject environment variables like database URLs or API keys easily.
  • Production parity - The dev environment matches your production server, avoiding bugs from infrastructure inconsistencies.
  • Portability - Docker images can run on any OS and deploy quickly to cloud platforms like AWS.
  • Lightweight - Containers share the host OS kernel and use fewer resources than complete virtual machines.

Installing Docker

Docker provides desktop applications for Mac and Windows, including Compose, which we’ll use later. On Linux, you can install Docker through your package manager.


  1. Download Docker Desktop -
  2. Run the installer and launch Docker when complete.
  3. Verify it’s working by running the docker --version.


# Ubuntu
sudo apt install

# Fedora
sudo dnf install docker

# Verify
docker --version

Creating a Dockerfile

A Dockerfile defines the steps to assemble your image. Create a new file called Dockerfile and add:

FROM node:12-alpine


COPY package*.json ./

RUN npm install

COPY . .

CMD ["npm", "start"]

Let’s break this down:

  • FROM node:12-alpine - Base image starting from a Node.js Alpine distro
  • WORKDIR /app - Sets working directory for the container
  • COPY package*.json ./ - Copies just the package.json initially
  • RUN npm install - Installs node modules
  • COPY . . - Copies everything over from the build context
  • CMD ["npm", "start"] - Sets the default command when container starts

This optimizes the Docker build process and leverages caching by installing npm dependencies before copying all files.

.dockerignore File

To prevent unnecessary files from being added to the image, create a .dockerignore file:


This excludes generated folders, logs, and scm files from the build context sent to Docker.

Building the Image

With the Dockerfile ready, you can build the image by running:

docker build -t my-app .

This builds the image using the Dockerfile in the current directory and tags it as my-app.

Running a Container

Now start a container using the image you built:

docker run -p 3000:3000 my-app

The -p flag maps port 3000 inside the container onto port 3000 on your host machine so you can access the running app.

You can now develop your Node.js app with this consistent Docker environment! Your entire team can use the same Dockerfile to build identical dev environments.


Docker provides powerful isolation, portability and reproducibility for your development workflows. With just a Dockerfile, you can create a standardized environment that models your production infrastructure. This enables continuous integration and delivery without bugs from environment inconsistencies. Docker takes a bit to learn initially, but saves massive headaches down the road. Give Docker a try and see how it can improve your dev process!

For more information on Docker, check out the official docs at

Happy coding!